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Our Strawberry season is officially over. Thanks for all who visited the farm
The Farm will open after Sept long weekend
Sept 7th Saturday and Sept 8th
Chip truck closed till Sept
Visit our website for immediate closure updates due to weather
no one allowed into the fields 45 min prior to closing
* No appointments necessary
U-Pick Strawberries $22/ pail (4L)
Pre-Pick Strawberries $35/pail(4L)
Pick 5 baskets of strawberries for $100.00
U-Pick Raspberries READY now
$20 for a 2 pound box
We now offer:
- Interact, Visa, Mastercard
- Honey - Icecream - Slushies
- Boony's Chip Truck
- Flush toilets and hand washing stations
Petting Zoo
$3 per person 3 and up
- Petting zoo, playground, bale maze ,
Murray's Mountain slide, train ride and much more
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